Organizers: Richard Furnstahl Benjamin Gibson Rob Timmermans Ubirajara van Kolck,
Program Coordinator: |
September 29, 2003 - December 5, 2003 Our knowledge of nuclear forces forms the basis for our understanding of nuclear structure and reactions. While the connection between our phenomenology of nuclear-forces and QCD remains mysterious, the past decade and especially the past five years have witnessed important advances, which promise to provide a standard framework for determining the main components of nuclear forces and for modeling the structure of nuclei and nuclear reactions. This program will explore our understanding of nuclear forces and the accompanying currents that are required in our efforts to probe nuclear structure and reactions, focusing in particular on a number of outstanding issues: two-and three-baryon forces and their relation to chiral symmetry and effective field theory, short-range aspects of nuclear forces, few-baryon calculations, consistent meson-exchange currents, and many-body/nuclear matter applications.