Date |
Speaker |
Powerpoint or .pdf |
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March 24, 2015 |
S. Stringari |
Video not available |
March 24, 2015 |
D. Banerjee |
"Crystalline Confinement and fractional fluxes in Abelian Quantum Link and Dimer models
" |
Video not available |
March 24, 2015 |
G. Ortiz |
"Many-body Characterization of Particle-Conserving Topological Superfluids" |
Video not available |
March 24, 2015 |
L. Mazza |
"Magnetic Crystals and Helical Liquids in Alkaline-Earth 1D Fermionic Gases" |
Video not available |
March 25, 2015 |
M. Dalmonte |
"Lattice gauge theories on quantum emulators and quantum computers" |
Video not available |
March 25, 2015 |
C. Wu |
"Novel Sp(2N)/SU(2N) quantum magnetism and Mott physics - large spins are different" |
Video not available |
March 26, 2015 |
Y. Meurice |
"Gauge Invariant Implementation of the Abelian Higgs model on Optical Lattices" |
Video not available |
March 26, 2015 |
N. Vlasii |
"From Chern-Simons-Maxwell Theory on the Lattice to the Toric Code" |
Video not available |
March 26, 2015 |
B. Lian |
"Spin Textures of Dipolar Spinor Condensates from a Dirac String Perspective" |
Video not available |
March 27, 2015 |
P. Orland |
"Gauge-Symmetric Phases" |
Video not available |
March 27, 2015 |
L. Pollet |
"On Higgs modes and the optical conductivity in O(2) models in condensed matter physics" |
Video not available |
March 30, 2015 |
T. Esslinger |
"The topological Haldane model" |
Video not available |
March 30, 2015 |
B. Reznik |
Video not available |
March 30, 2015 |
E. Altman |
Video not available |
March 31, 2015 |
H. Zhai |
"Interaction Effects on Topological Models with Cold Atoms" |
Video not available |
April 1, 2015 |
J. Schmiedmayer |
"Probing non-equilibrium many body systems by correlations" |
Video not available |
April 1, 2015 |
L. Fallani |
"Quantum simulation with SU(N) fermions:orbital magnetism and synthetic dimensions" |
Video not available |
April 1, 2015 |
T. Schaefer |
"Simulating Quantum Fluids" |
Video not available |
April 1, 2015 |
A. M. Rey |
"Quantum magnetism at temperature regimes above quantum degeneracy" |
Video not available |
April 2, 2015 |
C. Salomon |
"A Mixture of Bose and Fermi Superfluids" |
Video not available |
April 2, 2015 |
J. Joseph |
Video not available |
April 2, 2015 |
I. Arakelyan |
"Spin-imbalanced quasi-2D Fermi gases" |
Video not available |
April 2, 2015 |
C. Parker |
"Magnetism, Rotons, and Beyond: Engineering atomic systems with lattice shaking" |
Video not available |
April 2, 2015 |
H. P. Büchler |
"Topological bands with Chern number C=2 using dipolar exchange interaction" |
Video not available |
April 2, 2015 |
Z. Hadzibabic |
"Bose gas in a box" |
Video not available |
April 7, 2015 |
A. Bulgac |
"Thermodynamic properties and transport coefficients of a Fermi gas around unitarity" |
Video not available |
April 7, 2015 |
V. Shenoy |
"Fermions in Synthetic Gauge Potentials and Synthetic Dimensions" |
Video not available |
April 8, 2015 |
P. Zoller |
"Open Quantum Many-Body Systems" |
Video not available |
April 8, 2015 |
S. Natu |
"Spin-1 Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose gas" |
Video not available |
April 9, 2015 |
M. Rizzi |
"Strongly correlated states of trapped ultracold fermions in a U(2) gauge potential" |
Video not available |
April 9, 2015 |
X. Li |
"Loop currents and experimental signatures in optical lattices" |
Video not available |
April 10, 2015 |
M. M. Forbes |
"Realtime Methods for Superfluid Dynamics" - Related Movies |
Video not available |
April 10, 2015 |
Z. Yu |
"Superradiance of Degenerate Fermi Gases in a Cavity" |
Video not available |
April 13, 2015 |
A. Ho |
"Reaching Thermal States in Quantum Systems" |
Video not available |
April 14, 2015 |
P. Julienne |
"Can we control complex species like Er or Dy with dense sets of chaotic overlapping resonances?" |
Video not available |
April 14, 2015 |
I. Danshita |
"Higgs bound states and heavy solitons of Bose gases in optical lattices" |
Video not available |
April 15, 2015 |
D. H. Smith |
"Inducing Resonant Interactions with a Modulated Magnetic Field" |
Video not available |
April 15, 2015 |
W. Zheng |
"Landau-Beliaev Damping in a Bose-Fermi Superfluid Mixture" |
Video not available |
April 16, 2015 |
F. Zhou |
"A rigorous solution to unitary Bose Gases" |
Video not available |
April 21, 2015 |
M. Piraud |
"Phases of strongly-interacting bosons on a two-leg ladder" |
Video not available |
April 23, 2015 |
M. Kiselev |
"Landau-Zener Interferometry in Multilevel Systems" |
Video not available |
April 23, 2015 |
S. Jiang |
"Stability and Anomalous Compressibility of Resonant Bose Gases" |
Video not available |
April 27, 2015 |
T. Giamarchi |
"Measuring local Green's functions: an STM for cold atoms" |
Video not available |
April 27, 2015 |
X. Guan |
"Wilson ratio: universal nature of quantum fluids" |
Video not available |
April 28, 2015 |
W. V. Liu |
"Chiral Bose and Fermi phases in optical lattices" |
Video not available |
April 28, 2015 |
S. Uchino |
"Unconventional superfluid states in two-leg ladder systems" |
Video not available |
April 29, 2015 |
S. Yip |
"Fragmented states for spin-2 Bosons" |
Video not available |
April 29, 2015 |
S. Moroz |
"Few- and many-body physics of fermions in two dimensions" |
Video not available |
May 4, 2015 |
E. Zaremba |
"Probing the Optical Conductivity of Harmonically-confined Quantum Gases" |
Video not available |
May 5, 2015 |
D. Blume |
"Static and Dynamic Properties of One-Dimensional Few-Atom Systems" |
Video not available |
May 5, 2015 |
H. Pu |
"Cold Atoms in Cavities: a New Frontier in Cavity QED" |
Video not available |
May 6, 2015 |
P. Zhang |
"Few-body problems in ultracoldalkali-earth atoms and superfluid Boson-Fermion mixture" |
Video not available |
May 6, 2015 |
E. Zhao |
"Competing phases in dipolar quantum gas" |
Video not available |