INT Program 15-1

Frontiers in Quantum Simulation with Cold Atoms (INT-15-1)

March 23 - May 8, 2015


(To view talks click on the title)

Date Speaker Powerpoint or .pdf Video
March 24, 2015 S. Stringari "ROTONS AND STRIPES IN SPIN-ORBIT COUPLED BECs" Video not available
March 24, 2015 D. Banerjee "Crystalline Confinement and fractional fluxes in Abelian Quantum Link and Dimer models " Video not available
March 24, 2015 G. Ortiz "Many-body Characterization of Particle-Conserving Topological Superfluids" Video not available
March 24, 2015 L. Mazza "Magnetic Crystals and Helical Liquids in Alkaline-Earth 1D Fermionic Gases" Video not available
March 25, 2015 M. Dalmonte "Lattice gauge theories on quantum emulators and quantum computers" Video not available
March 25, 2015 C. Wu "Novel Sp(2N)/SU(2N) quantum magnetism and Mott physics - large spins are different" Video not available
March 26, 2015 Y. Meurice "Gauge Invariant Implementation of the Abelian Higgs model on Optical Lattices" Video not available
March 26, 2015 N. Vlasii "From Chern-Simons-Maxwell Theory on the Lattice to the Toric Code" Video not available
March 26, 2015 B. Lian "Spin Textures of Dipolar Spinor Condensates from a Dirac String Perspective" Video not available
March 27, 2015 P. Orland "Gauge-Symmetric Phases" Video not available
March 27, 2015 L. Pollet "On Higgs modes and the optical conductivity in O(2) models in condensed matter physics" Video not available
March 30, 2015 T. Esslinger "The topological Haldane model" Video not available
March 31, 2015 H. Zhai "Interaction Effects on Topological Models with Cold Atoms" Video not available
April 1, 2015 J. Schmiedmayer "Probing non-equilibrium many body systems by correlations" Video not available
April 1, 2015 L. Fallani "Quantum simulation with SU(N) fermions:orbital magnetism and synthetic dimensions" Video not available
April 1, 2015 T. Schaefer "Simulating Quantum Fluids" Video not available
April 1, 2015 A. M. Rey "Quantum magnetism at temperature regimes above quantum degeneracy" Video not available
April 2, 2015 C. Salomon "A Mixture of Bose and Fermi Superfluids" Video not available
April 2, 2015 J. Joseph "MEASURING LOCAL SHEAR VISCOSITY IN FERMI GASES" Video not available
April 2, 2015 I. Arakelyan "Spin-imbalanced quasi-2D Fermi gases" Video not available
April 2, 2015 C. Parker "Magnetism, Rotons, and Beyond: Engineering atomic systems with lattice shaking" Video not available
April 2, 2015 H. P. Büchler "Topological bands with Chern number C=2 using dipolar exchange interaction" Video not available
April 2, 2015 Z. Hadzibabic "Bose gas in a box" Video not available
April 7, 2015 A. Bulgac "Thermodynamic properties and transport coefficients of a Fermi gas around unitarity" Video not available
April 7, 2015 V. Shenoy "Fermions in Synthetic Gauge Potentials and Synthetic Dimensions" Video not available
April 8, 2015 P. Zoller "Open Quantum Many-Body Systems" Video not available
April 8, 2015 S. Natu "Spin-1 Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose gas" Video not available
April 9, 2015 M. Rizzi "Strongly correlated states of trapped ultracold fermions in a U(2) gauge potential" Video not available
April 9, 2015 X. Li "Loop currents and experimental signatures in optical lattices" Video not available
April 10, 2015 M. M. Forbes "Realtime Methods for Superfluid Dynamics" - Related Movies Video not available
April 10, 2015 Z. Yu "Superradiance of Degenerate Fermi Gases in a Cavity" Video not available
April 13, 2015 A. Ho "Reaching Thermal States in Quantum Systems" Video not available
April 14, 2015 P. Julienne "Can we control complex species like Er or Dy with dense sets of chaotic overlapping resonances?" Video not available
April 14, 2015 I. Danshita "Higgs bound states and heavy solitons of Bose gases in optical lattices" Video not available
April 15, 2015 D. H. Smith "Inducing Resonant Interactions with a Modulated Magnetic Field" Video not available
April 15, 2015 W. Zheng "Landau-Beliaev Damping in a Bose-Fermi Superfluid Mixture" Video not available
April 16, 2015 F. Zhou "A rigorous solution to unitary Bose Gases" Video not available
April 21, 2015 M. Piraud "Phases of strongly-interacting bosons on a two-leg ladder" Video not available
April 23, 2015 M. Kiselev "Landau-Zener Interferometry in Multilevel Systems" Video not available
April 23, 2015 S. Jiang "Stability and Anomalous Compressibility of Resonant Bose Gases" Video not available
April 27, 2015 T. Giamarchi "Measuring local Green's functions: an STM for cold atoms" Video not available
April 27, 2015 X. Guan "Wilson ratio: universal nature of quantum fluids" Video not available
April 28, 2015 W. V. Liu "Chiral Bose and Fermi phases in optical lattices" Video not available
April 28, 2015 S. Uchino "Unconventional superfluid states in two-leg ladder systems" Video not available
April 29, 2015 S. Yip "Fragmented states for spin-2 Bosons" Video not available
April 29, 2015 S. Moroz "Few- and many-body physics of fermions in two dimensions" Video not available
May 4, 2015 E. Zaremba "Probing the Optical Conductivity of Harmonically-confined Quantum Gases" Video not available
May 5, 2015 D. Blume "Static and Dynamic Properties of One-Dimensional Few-Atom Systems" Video not available
May 5, 2015 H. Pu "Cold Atoms in Cavities: a New Frontier in Cavity QED" Video not available
May 6, 2015 P. Zhang "Few-body problems in ultracoldalkali-earth atoms and superfluid Boson-Fermion mixture" Video not available
May 6, 2015 E. Zhao "Competing phases in dipolar quantum gas" Video not available

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