INT Program 13-1a

Computational and Theoretical Advances for Exotic Isotopes in the Medium Mass Region

March 25 - April 19, 2013


(To view talks click on the title)

Date Speaker Powerpoint or .pdf Video
March 25, 2013 H. Krebs "Chiral nuclear forces: explicit Δ scenario" Video
March 26, 2013 U. van Kolck "The Story of Chiral EFT" Video not available
March 27, 2013 P. Navrátil "Nuclear structure and reaction calculations with chiral three-nucleon interactions" Video
March 28, 2013 K. Hebeler "Momentum-space evolution of 3N interactions and first applications" Video
March 29, 2013 A. Calci "Similarity Renormalization Group with Chiral Hamiltonians: Techniques and New Directions" Video
April 2, 2013 A. Carbone "Nuclear matter with chiral three-nucleon forces" Video
April 2, 2013 S. Binder "Ab Initio Coupled-Cluster Calculations of Medium-Mass Nuclei" Video
April 3, 2013 R.J. Bartlett "Approaching Multi-reference (and Open-Shell Problems) in Electronic Structure Theory from the Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster Perspective" Video not available
April 3, 2013 R. Roth "Ab Initio Nuclear Structure from Chiral NN+3N Hamiltonians" Video
April 3, 2013 A. Cipollone "Three-Body Forces in Green's Function Theory and First Application to Isotopic Chains" Video not available
April 3, 2013 T. Helgaker "Density-functional theory, with and without a magnetic field" Video not available
April 3, 2013 A. Görling "A new generation of density-functional methods based on the adiabatic-connection fluctuation-dissipation theorem" Video not available
April 3, 2013 H. Hergert "In-Medium SRG for Closed- and Open-Shell Nuclei" Video not available
April 4, 2013 A. Schwenk "QMC calculations with chiral EFT interactions" Video not available
April 4, 2013 G. Scuseria "Symmetry Breaking & Restoration" Video not available
April 5, 2013 V. Somà "Gorkov-Green's function approach to open-shell systems" Video not available
April 4, 2013 D. Van Neck "Geminal product wave function ansatz for the description of correlated systems" Video not available
April 4, 2013 D. Lyakh "Current challenges in electronic structure theory for open shell molecules and molecular clusters" Video not available
April 4, 2013 A. Signoracci "Development of Bogoliubov coupled-cluster theory" Video not available
April 5, 2013 W. Nazarewicz "Atomic Nuclei: Many-Body Open Quantum Systems" Video not available
April 8, 2013 M.M. Forbes "The DVR Basis: An Efficient Alternative to the HO Basis for Nuclear Physics"

Video not available
April 9, 2013 T. Papenbrock "Advances in nuclear structure calculations: extrapolations in finite model spaces and optimized chiral interactions at NNLO" Video not available
April 9, 2013 G.R. Jansen "Open-shell nuclei from coupled-cluster theory" Video not available
April 10, 2013 D. Lee "Nuclear structure and excitations from lattice effective field theory" Video not available
April 11, 2013 M. Bender "Multi-reference energy density functional calculations: status, challenges, and perspectives" Video not available
April 12, 2013 F. Barranco-Paulo "Interplay of Collective and Single Particle Modes in the Pairing Properties of Open Shell Nuclei" Video not available
April 12, 2013 E. Vigezzi "Interplay of Collective and Single-Particle Modes in the Continuum: Structure and Reactions" Video not available
April 15, 2013 T. Nakatsukasa "Stochastic generation of low-energy configurations and configuration mixing calculation" Video not available
April 15, 2013 F. Raimondi "Low-energy effective theory for phenomenological nuclear functionals" Video not available
April 16, 2013 W. Dickhoff "Understanding/calculating the nucleon self-energy at positive and negative energy" Video not available
April 16, 2013 A. Rios Huguet "Why is lead so kinky?
Charge Radius Isotope Shift Across the N=126 Shell Gap"
Video not available
April 17, 2013 S. Gandolfi "Properties of homogeneous and inhomogeneous neutron matter" Video not available
April 17, 2013 B.R. Barrett "The No Core Shell Model for Bound, Resonant and Scattering States" Video not available
April 18, 2013 J. Menéndez "Shell evolution and pairing in calcium isotopes with two- and three-body forces" Video not available
April 19, 2013 S. Bacca "First Principle Calculations of Nuclear Response Functions" Video not available

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