7th ANL/INT/JINA/MSU Annual FRIB Workshop

Interfaces Between Nuclear Reactions and Structure

August 8 - 12, 2011


(To view talks click on the title)

Date Speaker Powerpoint or .pdf Podcast
August 8, 2011 A. Brown Introduction No Podcast Available
August 8, 2011 P. Navratil "Ab initio reaction theory for light nuclei" No Podcast Available
August 8, 2011 F. Nunes "The TORUS collaboration" No Podcast Available
August 8, 2011 W. Catford "Living with Transfer" No Podcast Available
August 8, 2011 A. Gade "Nucleon knockout reactions - Status and open questions" No Podcast Available
August 8, 2011 A. Wuosmaa "Nucleon-transfer reactions with exotic light nuclei" No Podcast Available
August 8, 2011 B. Tsang "Neutron Spectroscopic Factors from transfer reactions with rare isotopes" No Podcast Available
August 9, 2011 T. Papenbrock "Time dependent coupled-cluster method" No Podcast Available
August 9, 2011 G. Hagen "Towards nuclear reactions with coupled-cluster theory" No Podcast Available
August 9, 2011 C. Elster "Application of Three-Body methods in Direct-Nuclear Reactions: 6He(p,p) 6He" No Podcast Available
August 9, 2011 P. Capel "Breakup as a tool to study exotic nuclear structures" No Podcast Available
August 9, 2011 S.Typel "Electromagnetic and Nuclear Breakup in Coulomb Dissociation Experiments" No Podcast Available
August 9, 2011 R. Furnstahl "Making Sense of Structure/Reaction 'Non-observables'" No Podcast Available
August 10, 2011 W. Dickhoff "Recent applications of Green's function methods to link structure and reactions" No Podcast Available
August 10, 2011 J. Lee "Plans of Correlation Studies using 1N&2N Knockout and Transfer reactions" No Podcast Available
August 10, 2011 B. Charity "Two-Proton Decay Experiments" No Podcast Available
August 10, 2011 I. Thompson "Theory and Calculation of Two-nucleon Transfer Reactions" No Podcast Available
August 10, 2011 A. Macchiavelli "Pairing and Two-nucleon transfer reactions" No Podcast Available
August 10, 2011 A. Brown "Gamow-Teller strength as a probe of proton-neutron pairing" No Podcast Available
August 10, 2011 M. Horoi "Proton-neutron correlations from particle transfer reactions" No Podcast Available
August 10, 2011 A. Gezerlis "Mixed-spin pairing in heavy nuclei" No Podcast Available
August 11, 2011 H. Sakai "Study of Spin-isospin Responses in the Continuum by Charge-Exchange Reactions" No Podcast Available
August 11, 2011 R. Zegers "Theoretical challenges for charge-exchange experiments (with RI beams)" No Podcast Available
August 11, 2011 D. Frekers "ββ-decay matrix elements & charge-exchange reactions (some surprises in nuclear physics??)" No Podcast Available
August 11, 2011 M-K. Cheoun "Charge Exchange Reactions and Applications to Nuclear-Astrophysics" No Podcast Available
August 11, 2011 J. Łukasik "Symmetry Term at High Density from Heavy Ion Collisions" No Podcast Available
August 11, 2011 B. Lynch "Probing the EoS of Assymetric Matter" No Podcast Available
August 12, 2011 A. McIntosh "Flow and Correlations: Recent Experimental Results on the Symmetry Energy and Reaction Dynamics" No Podcast Available
August 12, 2011 B-A. Li "Probing the density dependence of nuclear symmetry energy" No Podcast Available
August 11, 2011 Y. Zhang "Extracting the symmetry energy with transport model" No Podcast Available

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