INT Program 11-2d

Interfaces between structure and reactions for rare isotopes and nuclear astrophysics

August 8 - September 2, 2011


(To view talks click on the title)

Date Speaker Powerpoint or .pdf Podcast
August 15, 2011 A. Volya "Reactions and structure aspects of the nuclear many-body dynamics" No Podcast Available
August 15, 2011 A. Moro "The effect of core excitation in the scattering of two-body halo nuclei" No Podcast Available
August 15, 2011 T. Nakatsukasa "(Time-dependent) Mean-field approaches to nuclear response and reaction" No Podcast Available
August 16, 2011 S. Umar "Microscopic Heavy-Ion Potentials Based on TDHF" No Podcast Available
August 16, 2011 V. Oberacker "Microscopic (TDHF and DC-TDHF) study of heavy-ion fusion and capture reactions with neutron-rich nuclei" No Podcast Available
August 17, 2011 T. Neff "Microscopic calculation of the 3He(α,γ)7Be capture reaction in the FMD approach" No Podcast Available
August 17, 2011 K. Nollett "Ab initio nuclear widths, real and virtual" No Podcast Available
August 17, 2011 C. Bertulani "Reactions at Intermediate Energies" No Podcast Available
August 18, 2011 J. Meng "Deformed halo and r-process calculation with covariant density-functional theory" No Podcast Available
August 18, 2011 B. Barrett "Prospects for the No Core Shell Model" No Podcast Available
August 19, 2011 C. Barbieri "Ab-initio Gorkov-Green's function calculations for open shell nuclei" No Podcast Available
August 22, 2011 H. Esbensen "Fusion Reactions at very low Energies" No Podcast Available
August 22, 2011 J. Tostevin "Examining nuclei and nuclear models using fast two-nucleon removal" No Podcast Available
August 22, 2011 J. Menéndez "Chiral Two-body Currents and Weak Decays" No Podcast Available
August 24, 2011 L. Coraggio "Realistic shell-model calculations to study the fluorine isotopes nucleosynthesis" No Podcast Available
August 25, 2011 V. Prassa "Exploring the isovector equation of state at high densities with HIC" No Podcast Available
August 30, 2011 U. van Kolck "Halo Effective Field Theory" No Podcast Available
August 31, 2011 G. Bertsch "Extension of mean-field theory for nuclear spectroscopy" No Podcast Available

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