INT Program 11-2b

Astrophysical Transients: Multi-messenger Probes of Nuclear Physics

July 11 - August 5, 2011


(To view talks click on the title)

Date Speaker Powerpoint or .pdf Podcast
July 12, 2011 B. Messer "Core-Collapse Supernovae: Striving for Simulations to Confront Observations" No Podcast Available
July 13, 2011 L. Roberts "Proto-Neutron Star Cooling: The Late Time Supernova Neutrino Signal" No Podcast Available
July 14, 2011 L. Keek "Calm after the storm: burst quenching after a superburst" No Podcast Available
July 15, 2011 M. Zingale "The Challenges of Modeling Explosive Phenomena" No Podcast Available
July 15, 2011 C. Fryer "NS/BH Transients as Nuclear Physics Experiments" No Podcast Available
July 18, 2011 M.C. Miller "Using Thermonuclear Burst Spectra to Constrain NS Masses and Radii" No Podcast Available
July 18, 2011 J. Lattimer "Radius and Mass Determinations from Neutron Star Observations" No Podcast Available
July 19, 2011 K. Kotake "Multi-Messengers from Core-Collapse Supernovae: Multi-Dimensionality as a key to bridge theory and observation" No Podcast Available
July 19, 2011 C. Lunardini "Supernova Neutrinos at Future Detectors" No Podcast Available
July 21, 2011 C.J. Horowitz "Neutron star crust and crust breaking" No Podcast Available
July 21, 2011 J. Pons "Magnetars vs. High-B Field Pulsars: Is there a Real Dichotomy?" No Podcast Available
July 22, 2011 M. Lyutikov "Magnetar Stars: Starquakes or Stellar Flares?" No Podcast Available
July 22, 2011 B. Link "Messages from Spin Glitches in Neutron Stars" No Podcast Available
July 22, 2011 I. Wasserman "What Sets the Maximum Spin Rate of Neutron Stars?" No Podcast Available
July 25, 2011 I. Wasserman "Do We Understand Glitches Yet?" No Podcast Available
July 25, 2011 K. Schwenzer "The (In)-dependence of R-mode Damping on the Microphysics" No Podcast Available
July 26, 2011 M. Alford "Bulk viscosity and the damping of neutron star oscillations" No Podcast Available
July 26, 2011 B. Haskell "What can X-ray observations tell us about: The role of Gravitational Waves in Low Mass X-ray Binaries" No Podcast Available
July 26, 2011 M. Lyutikov "Electromagnetic signatures of merging and collapsing compacts
(for LISA and LIGO sources)"
No Podcast Available
July 27, 2011 N. Andersson "Missing pieces in the r-mode puzzle" No Podcast Available
July 27, 2011 G. McLaughlin "The formation of the rare earth peak during the r-process" No Podcast Available
July 27, 2011 A. Arcones "The r-process as a source of new elements, energy and optical transients" No Podcast Available
July 28, 2011 C. Heinke "Cooling of the Cas A Neutron Star" No Podcast Available
July 28, 2011 A. Hungerford "A Detailed Look at Cas A: Progenitor, Explosion, and Nucleosynthesis" No Podcast Available
July 29, 2011 A. Schwenk "Neutron-rich matter and neutrino-matter interactions based on chiral effective field theory" No Podcast Available
July 29, 2011 M. Postnikov "Maximally Model Independent Equation of State for Neutron Star Matter" No Podcast Available
July 29, 2011 T. Schaefer "Phase Structure and Transport Properties of (Very) Dense QCD Matter" No Podcast Available
July 29, 2011 W. Newton "Inner crust composition and transition densities" No Podcast Available
August 1, 2011 A. Steiner "Determining the EOS of Dense Matter from Neutron Star Mass and Radius Observations" No Podcast Available
August 1, 2011 K. Hebeler "Chiral three-body forces and neutron-rich matter" No Podcast Available
August 1, 2011 H-J. Schulze "Neutron Star Structure with Hyperons and Quarks" No Podcast Available
August 2, 2011 R. Sawyer "Fusion and electron capture rates in dense plasmas; have the wheels come off theory?" No Podcast Available
August 2, 2011 A. Sedrakian "Color superconducting compact stars: Structure, Cooling and Gravitational waves" No Podcast Available
August 2, 2011 M. Prakash "Discussion Session - Astrophysical Transients: Multi-messenger Probes of Nuclear Physics" No Podcast Available
August 3, 2011 V. Cirigliano "A low-energy theory of the neutron star crust" No Podcast Available
August 3, 2011 J. Hughto "Structure and Shear Modulus of the Neutron Star Crust" No Podcast Available
August 3, 2011 A. da Silva Schneider "Molecular Dynamics of the Neutron Star Crust: Freezing and Chemical Separation" No Podcast Available
August 3, 2011 R. Sharma "Electronic screening and damping in magnetars" No Podcast Available
August 4, 2011 F. Burgio "Oscillations of hot, young neutron stars" No Podcast Available
August 4, 2011 E. O'Connor "Microphysical aspects of Core-Collapse Supernovae" No Podcast Available
"" No Podcast Available

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