INT Program 11-2a

Extreme Computing and its Implications for the Nuclear Physics/Applied Mathematics/Computer Science Interface

June 6 - July 8, 2011


(To view talks click on the title)

Date Speaker Powerpoint or .pdf Podcast
June 6, 2011 W. Haxton "Introduction to the Program" No Podcast Available Yet
June 6, 2011 J. Vary "Recent progress and new challenges in ab initio nuclear structure and nuclear reactions" Podcast Available
June 6, 2011 B. van Kolck "Harmonic Effective Field Theory" Podcast Available
June 7, 2011 B. Barrett "The No Core Shell Model: with and without a core (Extensions to Heavier Nuclei)" Podcast Available
June 7, 2011 P. Maris "No Core CI Calculations for light nuclear systems" Podcast Available
June 8, 2011 A. Shirokov "*Resonant states in the shell model" Podcast Available
June 8, 2011 A. Bulgac "Real-Time Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamics of Fermionic Superfluids: Nuclei (and the Unitary Fermi Gas)" Podcast Available
June 9, 2011 S. Gandolfi "Ab-initio calculation of confined neutrons and implications for Skyrme models" Podcast Available
June 9, 2011 A.B. Balantekin "Similarities between Collective Neutrino Oscillations and the Nuclear Pairing Problem" Podcast Available
June 10, 2011 R. Wiringa "QMC Calculations of Light Nuclei – More Than Just Energies" Podcast Available
June 13, 2011 R. Wiringa "Triples Counting & Three-Nucleon Forces in Light Nuclei" Podcast Available
June 14, 2011 A.B. Balantekin "Closing in on θ13" Podcast Available
June 16, 2011 H. Duan "Collective Neutrino Oscillations in Supernovae" Podcast Available
June 17, 2011 W. Haxton "A Cold, Early r-process?" Podcast Available
June 17, 2011 S. Reddy "Equation of State of Neutron Matter: Implications for Neutron Stars and Supernova Neutrinos" Podcast Available
June 20, 2011 C. Joggerst "CASTRO simulations of supernovae" Podcast Available
June 20, 2011 S. Cohen "Multigrid Algorithms for Accelerating Fermion Calculations in Lattice QCD" Podcast Available
June 22, 2011 D. Whalen "Finding the First Cosmic Explosions" Podcast Available
June 22, 2011 G. Fuller Not Available Yet Podcast Available
June 23, 2011 M. Cheng "The finite temperature QCD phase transition from domain wall fermions" Podcast Available
June 24, 2011 S. Syritsyn "Progress in Lattice QCD Calculations of Nucleon Structure" Podcast Available
June 27, 2011 Juan Meza "Nuclear Physics and Computing: Exascale Partnerships" Podcast Available
June 27, 2011 J. Bell "AMR Applications in Astrophysics" Podcast Available
June 27, 2011 R. Brower "Multi-scale Algorithms for Lattice Gauge Theory (Quantum Chromodynamics et al)" Podcast Available
June 27, 2011 G.C. Jordan Not Available Yet Podcast Available
June 27, 2011 M. Berzins "Software for Adaptive Meshing on Large Scale Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems" Podcast Available
June 27, 2011 R. Falgout "Scalable Multigrid Methods" Podcast Available
June 27, 2011 A. Bulgac "Real-Time Dynamics of Fermionic Superfluid Systems: from Deterministic Petascale to Stochastic Exascale Simulations" Podcast Available
June 27, 2011 A. Pochinsky "Programming for Exascale" Podcast Available
June 28, 2011 P. Maris "Computational issues in ab initio nuclear structure" Podcast Available
June 28, 2011 C. Yang "Solving Large-scale Eigenvalue Problems in Nuclear Structure Calculation" Podcast Available
June 28, 2011 M. Heroux "Building the Next Generation of Parallel Applications and Libraries" Podcast Available
June 28, 2011 C. Woodward Not Available Yet Podcast Available
June 28, 2011 A. Mezzacappa "(Core Collapse) Supernova Simulations" Podcast Available
June 28, 2011 P. Vranas Not Available Yet Podcast Available
June 28, 2011 K. Orginos "Algorithms for Lattice QCD" Please be patient - very large file. Podcast Available
June 29, 2011 M. Schulz "Performance and Optimization: A Case for more Modular and Intuitive Tools" Podcast Available
June 29, 2011 R. Graham Not Available Yet Podcast Available
June 29, 2011 S. Klasky "in situ data processing for extreme-scale computing" Podcast Available
June 29, 2011 D. Bailey "Performance Tuning of Scientific Applications" Podcast Available
June 29, 2011 A. Chorin "Implicit sampling for particle filters" Podcast Available
June 29, 2011 J. Carlson Not Available Yet Podcast Available
June 29, 2011 D. Kasen Not Available Yet Podcast Available
June 30, 2011 J. Vetter "Emerging Technologies on the Pathway to Extreme Scale Computing" Podcast Available
June 30, 2011 J. Shalf Not available yet Podcast Available
June 30, 2011 B. Chamberlain "Programming Models and Chapel: Landscaping for Exascale Computing" Podcast Available
June 30, 2011 R. LeVeque "Reproducibility in Computational Science" Podcast Available
June 30, 2011 T. Quinn "N-Body Simulations on GPU Clusters" Podcast Available
June 30, 2011 B. Joó "Lattice QCD and GPU Computing" Podcast Available
July 1, 2011 B. Messer "Living at the Top of the Top500: Myopia from Being at the Bleeding Edge" Podcast Available
July 1, 2011 P. Nugent "Astrophysical Surveys: Visualization/Data Managements" No Podcast Available Yet
July 1, 2011 R. Rosner Not Available Yet Podcast Available
July 5, 2011 K. Roche "Getting Up to Speed with DOE's Exascale Computing Efforts" No Podcast Available
July 5, 2011 B. Joó "GPU Computing and Lattice QCD" No Podcast Available Yet
July 6, 2011 J. Osborn "Calculating disconnected diagrams with Multigrid" No Podcast Available Yet
July 6, 2011 K. Orginos "Lattice QCD Algorithms" No Podcast Available Yet
July 7, 2011 J. Wasem "Nuclear Parity Violation from Lattice QCD" Podcast Available
July 7, 2011 W. Nazarewicz "UNEDF: building nuclei from the ground up" No Podcast Available Yet
July 8, 2011 W. Detmold "Many many mesons" Podcast Available
July 8, 2011 D. Richards "Excited State Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD" No Podcast Available Yet

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