INT Program 11-1

Fermions from Cold Atoms to Neutron Stars:
Benchmarking the Many-Body Problem

March 14 - May 20, 2011


(To view talks click on the title)

Date Speaker Powerpoint or .pdf Podcast
March 14, 2011 Y. Castin "The Unitary Gas: Symmetry, Properties and Applications" Podcast Available
March 15, 2011 G. Strinati "Vortex lattices throughout the BCS-BEC crossover" Podcast Available
March 18, 2011 D. Blume "The Trapped Few-Body System" Podcast Available
March 22, 2011 M. Pustilnik "Relaxation of high-energy quasiparticles in a 1D Bose liquid" Podcast Available
March 23, 2011 B. Barrett "The No Core Shell Model: Its Formulation, Application and Extensions" Podcast Available
March 24, 2011 K. Daily "The few-body problem with application to many-body thermodynamics" Podcast Available
March 25, 2011 R. Sharma "A low energy theory for superfluid and crystalline matter" Podcast Available
March 28, 2011 C. Johnson "Cold Atomic Gases and Effective Interactions" Podcast Available
March 29, 2011 H. Zhai "Spatially modulated interaction and dipolar interaction induced resonances" Podcast Available
March 29, 2011 W. Zwerger "The search for a perfect fluid: is string theory relevant for ultracold atoms" Podcast Available
March 31, 2011 F. Zhou "What can we learn about quantum gases from 2- and 3-atom problems?" Podcast Available
April 1, 2011 A. Ho "Reaching Thermal States in Quantum Systems" Podcast Available
April 4, 2011 F. Heidrich-Meisner "FFLO Physics in Spin-Polarized Fermi Gases in One Dimension" Podcast Available
April 5, 2011 T. Schaefer "Nearly Perfect Fluidity in Cold Atomic Gases" Podcast Available
April 6, 2011 Z. Yu "Short-range correlations and entropy in ultracold atomic Fermi gases" Podcast Available
April 7, 2011 S. Yip "Higher Spin Fermions" Podcast Available
April 8, 2011 S. Zhang "Macroscopic Quantum Phenomena in Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensate and their Implications" Podcast Available
April 11, 2011 P. Pieri "Exploring the pseudogap phase of a strongly interacting Fermi gas" Podcast Available
April 12, 2011 E. Taylor "Viscosity in strongly interacting Fermi gases: Spectral functions and sum rules" Podcast Available
April 13, 2011 G. Wlazlowski "Ab initio identification of the pseudogap phase in Fermi gas with large scattering length" Podcast Available
April 14, 2011 H. Pu "Bogoliubov-de Gennes Study of Trapped Fermi Gases" Podcast Available
April 15, 2011 Y. Nishida "Efimov effect, Unitary Fermi gas, and "beyond"" Podcast Available
April 18, 2011 A. Bulgac "The Unitary Fermi Gas: From Quantum Monte Carlo to Density Functional Theory, to Real Time Dynamics" Podcast Available
April 19, 2011 X. Cui "Resonance behavior understood from T-matrix approach and new predictions" Podcast Available
April 20, 2011 A. Turner "Vortex Molecules" Podcast Available
April 21, 2011 A. Privitera "Lattice vs Continuum (And 2 vs 3 Species) in the BCS-BEC Crossover" Podcast Available
April 22, 2011 E. Gull "Large cluster dynamical mean field calculations and the momentum selective Mott transition" Podcast Available
April 25, 2011 Q. Zhou "Bosons in a disordered double-well potential: a simple system for understanding the interplay between disorder and interaction" Podcast Available
April 26, 2011 B. Mihaila "Non-perturbative predictions for cold atom gases with tunable interactions" Podcast Available
April 27, 2011 K. Van Houcke "Bold Diagrammatic Monte-Carlo: A new approach for strongly correlated fermions" Podcast Available
April 28, 2011 F. Werner "Bold Diagrammatic Monte-Carlo for the Unitary Gas" Podcast Available
April 29, 2011 G. Shlyapnikov "Tkachenko modes and correlation functions for rapidly rotating bosons" Podcast Available
May 2, 2011 K. Hebeler "Chiral three-nucleon forces: from neutron matter to neutron stars" Podcast Available
May 3, 2011 S. Stringari "Recent advances in the dynamics of interacting Fermi gases" Podcast Available
May 4, 2011 G. Rupak "Neutrino emissivity in 3P2 superfluid matter" Podcast Available
May 5, 2011 G. Bertsch "Gradient method with application to 4-component fermion condensates" Podcast Available
May 6, 2011 Shiwei Zhang "Magnetic phases of the Hubbard model – some answers from quantum simulations, the "old-fashioned" way" Podcast Available
May 9, 2011 D. Lee "Benchmark Calculations at unitarity" Podcast Available
May 9, 2011 C. Sa de Melo "Not Available Yet" Podcast Available
May 10, 2011 P.D. Danielewicz "Towards Quantum Transport for Nuclear Reactions" Podcast Available
May 10, 2011 J. von Stecher "Strongly Interacting Atoms in Optical Lattices" Podcast Available
May 11, 2011 N. Chamel "Superfluidity in neutron star crusts" Podcast Available
May 11, 2011 C. Horowitz "Neutron Rich Matter and Supernovae" Podcast Available
May 12, 2011 J. Pei "Coordinate-space HFB description of superfluid Fermi systems" Podcast Available
May 12, 2011 M. Zvonarev "Not Available Yet" Podcast Available
May 13, 2011 O. Goulko "The Imbalanced Fermi Gas at Unitarity" Podcast Available
May 13, 2011 M. Degroote "Faddeev Random Phase Approximation (FRPA): Application to Molecules" Podcast Available
May 16, 2011 R. Grimm "Strongly interacting Fermi-Fermi mixture of 6Li and 40K" No Podcast Available Yet
May 16, 2011 S. Gupta "Quantum Degenerate Mixtures of Lithium and Ytterbium" No Podcast Available Yet
May 16, 2011 S. Tan "Energy of a trapped Fermi gas with large scattering length" Podcast Available
May 16, 2011 C. Vale "Bragg spectroscopic studies of the contact" Podcast Available
May 16, 2011 D. Jin "Probing the normal state in the BCS-BEC crossover" Podcast Available
May 17, 2011 H. Moritz/J. Meineke "Novel Probes for Fermionic Gases" Podcast Available
May 17, 2011 C. Sanner "Fluctuations in Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases" Podcast Available
May 17, 2011 D. Blume "(Biased) Theory Overview: Few-Body Physics" Podcast Available
May 17, 2011 M. Randeria "Pairing Pseudogap in Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases" Podcast Available
May 17, 2011 K. Levin "The Nature of the Pseudogap in Ultracold Fermi Gases" Podcast Available
May 17, 2011 R. Grimm "pseudo-gap?" Podcast Available
May 17, 2011 F. Chevy "Thermodynamical Approach to the Normal Phase" Podcast Available
May 17, 2011 N. Barnea "Dynamic Mean Field Approximation and the pseudo-gap in unitary Fermi gas" Podcast Available
May 17, 2011 P. Magierski "Pseudogap from Path Integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) on the Lattice" Podcast Available
May 18, 2011 J. Carlson "Not Yet Available" Podcast Available
May 18, 2011 F. Chevy "Thermodynamics of ultra-cold gases" Podcast Available
May 18, 2011 N. Prokofiev "MC sampling of skeleton Feynman diagrams: Road to solution for interacting fermions/spins?" Podcast Available
May 18, 2011 P. Magierski "Thermodynamic, pairing properties of a unitary Fermi gas" Podcast Available
May 18, 2011 M. McNeil Forbes "Benchmarking the Many-body Problem - Precision bounds on the Equation of State" Podcast Available
May 19, 2011 M. Horikoshi "Thermodynamics and Hydrodynamics of a unitary Fermi gas" Podcast Available
May 19, 2011 J. Thomas "Quantum hydrodynamics in a strongly interacting Fermi gas" Podcast Available
May 19, 2011 A. Sommer "Universal Spin Transport in Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases" Podcast Available
May 19, 2011 A. Bulgac "Real Time Dynamics of the Unitary Fermi Gas" Podcast Available
May 19, 2011 Z. Hadzibabic "Effects of interactions on Bose-Einstein condensation" No Podcast Available Yet
May 20, 2011 D. Jin "Ultracold Polar Molecules" Podcast Available
May 20, 2011 N. Cooper "Superfluidity and Crystallization of 2D Polar Fermionic Molecules" Podcast Available
May 20, 2011 F. Schreck "Quantum-Degenerate Strontium" No Podcast Available Yet

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