INT Workshop 10-46W

Weakly Bound Systems in Atomic and Nuclear Physics

March 8 - 12, 2010


(To view talks click on the title)

Date Speaker Powerpoint .pdf Podcast
March 8, 2010 J. D'Incao "The Hyperspherical Approach for Atomic Few-Body Systems" Podcast Available
March 8, 2010 N. Barnea "Hyperspherical Harmonics for Weakly Bound Systems" No Podcast Available
March 8, 2010 M. Viviani "New developments in few-nucleon scattering" No Podcast Available
March 8, 2010 E. Garrido "Three-body Resonances and Applications in Nuclear Astrophysics" No Podcast Available
March 8, 2010 D. Gazit "Electroweak Properties of Weakly-Bound Light Nuclei" No Podcast Available
March 8, 2010 D. Kang "Efimov Physics in the Li-Atoms" No Podcast Available
March 9, 2010 H.-W. Hammer "Effective Field Theory and Efimov Physics" Podcast Available
March 9, 2010 R. Higa "EFT Approaches to αα and Nα Systems" No Podcast Available
March 9, 2010 F. Werner "Exact relations for few-body and many-body problems with short-range interactions" No Podcast Available
March 9, 2010 Y. Wang "The extent of universal physics in three-body collisions" No Podcast Available
March 9, 2010 I. Stetcu "The No Core Shell Model Approach" No Podcast Available
March 9, 2010 C. Ji "Effective Range Corrections to Few-Body Universality in an Effective Field Theory Approach" No Podcast Available
March 10, 2010 T. Papenbrock "Coupled-cluster theory for nuclei" Podcast Available
March 10, 2010 G. Hagen "Role of the continuum in Coupled Cluster Theory" No Podcast Available
March 10, 2010 F. Nunes "Reactions with Exotic Nuclei" No Podcast Available
March 10, 2010 R. Krems "Reactive collisions of molecules in external fields" No Podcast Available
March 10, 2010 A. Deltuva "Momentum-space techniques for reactions involving weakly-bound nuclei" No Podcast Available
March 10, 2010 A. Schwenk "Renormalization Group Techniques and Applications" No Podcast Available
March 11, 2010 J. Carlson "Quantum Monte Carlo" Podcast Available
March 11, 2010 D. Blume "Small Trapped s-Wave Interacting Fermi Gases. How to Quantify Correlations?" No Podcast Available
March 11, 2010 D. Lee "Simulations of nuclei on the lattice" No Podcast Available
March 11, 2010 M. Berninger "The Efimov Effect in Ultracold Gases" No Podcast Available
March 11, 2010 S. Ettenauer "Experimental Program on Halo Nuclei with non-accelerated Beams at TRIUMF" No Podcast Available
March 11, 2010 A. Gezerlis "Pairing in Neutron Matter and in Cold Atomic Systems" No Podcast Available
March 11, 2010 K. Hebeler "Three-body forces in nucleonic matter" No Podcast Available
March 12, 2010 J. von Stecher "Few-body Physics with Correlated Gaussian Methods" Podcast Available
March 12, 2010 T. Neff "Fermionic Molecular Dynamics for Weakly Bound Systems" No Podcast Available
March 12, 2010 J. Hutson "Weakly bound states and controlled collisions of ultracold molecules" No Podcast Available

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