General Information
To Apply
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University of Washington
Physics Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Summer 2014
June 23 - August 29
The online application tool for the 2014 UW Physics REU Summer Program is being handled by "MathPrograms.org", so that banner will appear at the top of the online application forms and as the "from" address for any email notifications that you receive from that system.
Please read the information below so that you can become familiar with the application process.
Before you begin the application process, please have the following items and information ready as you will be asked to attach the file or enter the information before you can complete your application.
- A cover letter explaining your interest in our program (file to be attached, any format).
- An unofficial transcript (file to be attached). If you attended more than one college, it is advisable to have a transcript from each. Note: If you are selected to participate in our program, at that time you will be required to provide an official transcript mailed by your college registrar.
- Your GPA for science/math/computer science courses.
- Your GPA for all courses.
- The names and email addresses of two professors who can provide letters of recommendation (you may provide more than two if you wish). The system will send an email request to your references, asking them to upload a letter of recommendation. Please let your references know in advance that the email will come from "MathPrograms.org", so that they do not think it is spam.
When you click on the "apply" link that appears in our listing on MathPrograms.org, the process will be as follows:
- You will first need to complete the "Standard Coversheet" where you will enter your contact information and the names and email addresses of your references. Please fill in all fields that have a red asterisk and provide information for at least two references. If fields without an asterisk seem confusing or irrelevant, please just leave them blank.
- After you have submitted your "Standard Coversheet", you will be directed to our specific application page to answer additional questions, activate your reference letter requests, and upload your cover letter and transcript. When you have successfully submitted the application page, you should receive an email from the system.
- If you did not already have an account with MathPrograms.org, the system will automatically create an account for you with your given email address and you will be emailed the password so that you can access your account and application if you should need to update it.
The application deadline is February 28, 2014, 11:59PM Eastern Standard Time.
Take me to the application.
Questions? Please email: uwreu@phys.washington.edu.