Recommendation Letter Form
This form has been given to you by a student who is applying to the University of Washington Physics Research Experiences for Undergraduates program for Summer 2004. Admission is competitive, and we depend on the advice of referees to select the most deserving students. The faculty of the Department of Physics appreciate the help you are giving us.
Please feel free to either complete the form below, or write us a letter on your own letterhead. If you use this form, please sign on the indicated line. Application deadline is March 1, 2004. Thank you.
To be completed by student:
Student's name:
To be completed by referee:
Referee's name:
Referee's title and institution:
What contacts have you had with this student?
How would you rate this student in relation to others you have known with interests in physics or other sciences?
top 1% [ ] top 5% [ ] top 20% [ ] top 50% [ ]
What can you tell us about the student's academic abilities?
Have you had an opportunity to assess the student's experimental
skills, computing skills, or any other abilities that might
be important in doing physics research?
Does the student have the maturity and motivation to do
directed research in an unfamiliar environment?
Does the student relate well to his/her peers? Are the
student's communication skills good?
Please add any other comments that might be helpful to us.
_________________________________________Thank you for your help.
Please return this form to: