School: Drexel University
REU Faculty Mentor: Jens Gundlach
Q: What are your physics/science interests?
A: I have a great interest in many (but definitely not all) areas of
physics. The area of physics which, for the moment, I find the most
fascinating are the various theories for quantizing gravity. These
theories come with astounding implications (which hopefully should be
experimentally testable beginning within the next few years).
Q: What are your other interests?
A: My other main interest aside from physics is computer science. I know a fair amount about programming, compilers, databases, etc. (I also worked for an ISP for several years during HS and during the beginning of
college). In addition, I enjoy a good Sci-Fi show every now and again.
Q: What would you like to do after college?
A: After I earn my undergraduate degree, I plan on going to graduate school. As for after graduate school, I would like to do research of some kind.
Q: Tell us one strange yet interesting fact about yourself?
A: I played both the flute and the tuba in my HS marching/concert band (but it wasn't so bad: they're both in the key of C ;) ).