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Exit report

Light nuclei from first principles
September 17 - November 16, 2012

*Name:   *email:

Please write a brief description of your scientific activities during your visit to the INT.

List seminars you attended during the INT program which have had an impact on your research:

Work you focused on during your stay at the INT:

Collaborations in which you participated and people with whom you collaborated:

Results of your discussions and work while at the INT:

Did you use your Visiting Scholar ID card to access amenities at the UW? Yes   No

If so, please let us know which facilities you made use of:

Optional: Please offer suggestions which could help us improve our administration, facilities, organization, or accommodations:


If any papers result from your stay at the INT, please consider acknowledging the INT and sending us copies (for the procedure, please refer to INT Papers and Preprints).

Friends of the INT

Coffee, tea, cookies, and other snacks help make the INT a fun place to work and collaborate. The funds for these items cannot be taken from either DOE or University of Washington contributions to the INT operations budget; instead they are funded by individual tax-deductible donations to the Friends of the INT fund. The average INT visitor costs this fund approximately $4 per week. If you would like to donate money to this fund, we would be greatly appreciative. Checks should be made payable to "University of Washington Foundation" and reference "Friends of INT". You can also make a secure online donation by credit card (check the box titled "Friends of the INT" on the website that pops up). Many thanks!

* - Required field